
Cat's can be haters? What the buck.

Here's a photo of Azrael, Tim's cat. I go back and forth between thinking of him as being named after the cat from Smurfs, which was Tim's intention, and KNOWING he was named after a demon because he is such a bitch sometimes. That's right, the cat and I fight, I'm cool. Today he kept trying to run out the door while I was running up and down the stairs bringing in the groceries and bitched his face off when I put him in the bedroom and closed the door. Whatever, sometimes I like him, but this is why I still refer to him as Tim's cat even though we live together now and I should totally call him our/my cat. Shut up, I do what I want!
So, anyway I have a terrible headache because I went grocery shopping on Labour Day weekend because I'm an idiot, but I preferred being an idiot to an idiot with no food in the house. When I came home and there was no battery in my mp3 I totally split in half and cried. Who cries over an mp3 player? Apparently I'm a diva now. Oops.
This turned out to be such a negative post! I'm actually in a much better mood now because I took some pictures, like the one above, and ate a big ol' can of spaghetti. Yay! Okay, good news: the cornerstore had a copy of Mirrormask on dvd for seven dollars and I bought it. Yay! I love that movie and now it reminds me of Fairytales seminar and I get all nostalgic about that class.
Also, good news is my discovery of the What the Buck? show on YouTube. His show is so funny, I love him and now I've been watching his personal vlog and I think I find that even funnier than his actual show. He's so adorable! Heart!

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