
I have to help Wayne with his bo-go po-go

I watched Strictly Ballroom last night. There is something seriously wrong with Baz Luhrmann... and I love it. You can't go wrong with a director who is insane, am I right, Tim Burton? I love Strictly Ballroom so much.

Scott's "crowd-pleasing moves" crack me up because most of the time its just him spin-jumping over and over again. What crowd does that please? But (ha!) I love his butt-slide move, that please me.

I love how delightfully fugly Fran is at the beginning! It isn't like other 'metamorphisis' rom-coms where the girl is supposed to be hideous but is just Rachel Leigh Cook wearing glasses and she just goes from being regular pretty to starlet gorgeous. They make Fran so ugly that you can't even believe it when she turns out to be pretty.

And I love Fran's dad! Omg! Actually, the two dads in the movie make my life. The whole scene with her family? Ack. LOVE. There is so much homoerotic heat between Fran's dad and Scott and then the Grandma comes and dances? What the hell, it is so lovely.

Movies: Give me drag queens or dancing and I'm a happy girl - it is just that easy. Which reminds me, next on my hit list to buy DVDs are Connie and Carla and Centre Stage... oh and Shall We Dansu? ("At my age, it's embarrassing to say so, but every day I feel so alive!")

Super cheese but I love them.


I'm so silly.

You know how to make a headache go away? I'll tell you the answer is not spontaneously getting the cleaning bug and Lysoling the inside of the fridge and scrubbing the whole bathroom with freaking Comet. A couple advil and some water? No! I want an enclosed space and some bleach, please because I'm super bright. Guh!

Now I have to stop and now I will scheme about what I will do tomorrow.

::tenting fingers::

Cat's can be haters? What the buck.

Here's a photo of Azrael, Tim's cat. I go back and forth between thinking of him as being named after the cat from Smurfs, which was Tim's intention, and KNOWING he was named after a demon because he is such a bitch sometimes. That's right, the cat and I fight, I'm cool. Today he kept trying to run out the door while I was running up and down the stairs bringing in the groceries and bitched his face off when I put him in the bedroom and closed the door. Whatever, sometimes I like him, but this is why I still refer to him as Tim's cat even though we live together now and I should totally call him our/my cat. Shut up, I do what I want!
So, anyway I have a terrible headache because I went grocery shopping on Labour Day weekend because I'm an idiot, but I preferred being an idiot to an idiot with no food in the house. When I came home and there was no battery in my mp3 I totally split in half and cried. Who cries over an mp3 player? Apparently I'm a diva now. Oops.
This turned out to be such a negative post! I'm actually in a much better mood now because I took some pictures, like the one above, and ate a big ol' can of spaghetti. Yay! Okay, good news: the cornerstore had a copy of Mirrormask on dvd for seven dollars and I bought it. Yay! I love that movie and now it reminds me of Fairytales seminar and I get all nostalgic about that class.
Also, good news is my discovery of the What the Buck? show on YouTube. His show is so funny, I love him and now I've been watching his personal vlog and I think I find that even funnier than his actual show. He's so adorable! Heart!


This week in Baha'i news:

Number One Across in the Universal crossword (as seen in the Toronto Star, the internet and probably other places) this week = Baha'i! So awesome!

Why I am super in love with the internet: It is mean-funny!

The internet never fails to delight me with its delicious absurdity. There I said it, but why did I think it just now? By now I hope that everyone has seen the Miss Teen USA South Carolina question and answer debacle, but if not the video is right here through the magic of youtube.

But being able to see this stumble-tastic answer is not what makes the internet my friend, no no. This poor girl didn't think what she was saying was smart! Look into her face as she is talking and you will know that she starts off thinking she is not making sense and then slips into a self-preserving coma while her mouth finishes off her time. She could not have turned around and run away from Mario Lopez any faster!

What makes the internet great is that there is already a website dedicated to making fun of this video and it does so with flare. There aren't any maps? Meet MapsforUS.org, the map foundation. The insane randomness of the maps the posters dig up is what makes this funny because quoting "The Iraq" and "Such as" gets old. And it doesn't get old like Mario Lopez where it turns out good-looking but unable to find any credible work, it gets old like Dustin Diamond where you start to become wistful of the time when you thought it was cheesy funny but mostly just roll your eyes and hope it dies soon. Wow, that was way harsh on the Screechster, but seriously the guy has gone dirty, I hate when he's on TV now! The end.


I almost disowned my husband yesterday when he told me that he didn't know who Julie Andrews is - this man enjoys musicals and doesn't know the Julie?


If you've ever seen the movie Amelie you may know what I am talking about.

I've been surfing YouTube a lot lately and I've discovered that rather than the videos that are meant to be funny I prefer ones that were normal to the people posting them but really odd, interesting, amazing, remarkable to us, the viewers. If that makes sense.... When I see a video like that I think of it as if I were making a compilation tape for someone like the Glass Man, to give him proof that there are interesting sights outside your door, and that real people are much more intriguing and difficult to define than fictional ones.

I also much prefer reading the 'Oddly Enough' news much more than the regular news. I guess I just crave the different.


Horrifying mound of stuff!

Last Friday, I finally moved all of my stuff from my sublet apartment into Tim's apartment. The stuff filled the livingroom, and as soon as we got it all in I had to jump in the car to head to Ottawa for my friend's pirate scavenger hunt. So this was Tim's home for the weekend, AND this is what we have to look forward to tomorrow when we attempt to bring some order into our home.


First Post, what the hey!

What can I say... I've seen a ton of really great blogs that were all hosted on this site, so I've been drawn over to the world of blogger and I'm giving it a go. I like how easy it is to post photos here, which is what I would like to do at least once a post from now on. I have nothing to lose considering I've been ignoring my poor livejournal since February. What can you do?

Today, I made a trip down to the bux because last night, for some reason, I put the keys to the bathroom fixtures (to open the toilet paper/paper towel containers) in my pocket when I cleaned the bathrooms, and they kind of needed them today because of the whole needing to clean the bathrooms again thing.

I got a drink for my walk home (Mmmm... Iced lactaid tazo chai... ) and I saw a long-lost co-worker who had just returned from the other side of the country where she was doing cadet training! What can be better than that? Well, that called for a self-portrait on the way home, as I'm trying to do that more. I'm rocking the red bandana that I found for the purpose of the Ottawa pirate adventure, but now I like it for everyday. Everyday pirating :)